Against the Giants: campaign using ACKS

It’s their own fault for picking a fight :wink:

Last session notes:

Proof that zombies can still be a valid monster when in a forsaken sinkhole of evil and with no clerics in tow :slight_smile:

Also: The more the merrier! :slight_smile:

Yay for Forsaken Sinkholes of Evil!

Last Monday’s notes:

Smee got blasted by a lightning bolt: rolling his Mortal Wounds next Monday. Looks like he will become Halmary’s henchman.

I still find it amusing that in 48 sessions no one has ever wanted to hire help or get some henchmen; they all hate the idea of sharing their XP :slight_smile:

More session notes:

Session 49:
Session 50:

And the party of level 5-7 characters have entered the old G1 module full of Hill Giants.

New session report:

Another play session:

This time with multiple giants being slain by a party of level 5-6 characters.

Sounds like a series of really exciting sessions!

They’ve been tense, epic, and the players seem to have really enjoyed them.

Last Monday’s session:

Session 55:

The cleave mechanic is brutal when a dwarf under a Growth potion hacks away at low HD monsters with a magic sword that has the added benefit of a Striking spell.

Session 56:

The party escaped the giant’s Steading, managing to slay even more giants as they fought their way out.

First fight against a juvenile dragon:

More session reports:

In the latest few sessions the party have slaughtered giants in an ambush, entered a dimensionally shifting tower for the elves, and are next planning on liberating some of the occupied towns of Geoff on their own, because they can.

Last Monday’s game notes:

They are now in the thick of killing giants, having wiped out two supply caravans, ‘liberated’ a village, and are currently fighting off an ambush. They are levels 6 to 8 now, and proving more than capable of dealing with anything I am throwing at them, giants, dragons, all slaughtered!

Been a while since my last update:

Now on our 77th session, and the party are now fighting dark elves, and are at levels 6-8.

I’m surprised things turned out as well for them as it did!

They’ve been lucky. Almost killed three off a couple of sessions ago, and if they didn’t have access to Restore Life & Limb spells, they’d have some seriously crippled PCs (as it is, one has both night-terrors and constantly mumbles himself, another is now turned as a Wight; only the cleric has avoided any side-effects).

My Against the Giants campaign is currently at 91 sessions and counting, with the PCs currently between levels 6 and 8, giants slain, dragons slain, and a whole load of other monsters slaughtered. They keep a ‘kill list’ of what each person has killed, are competitive enough to kill steal at times, and prefer fighting giants than dark elves.

Two PCs retired and have been replaced by new PCs, but none have actually outright died yet: plenty of scars and maims though.

Latest session notes:

After 91 sessions I can say that I like the ACKS rules. They are simple, cover everything we need, and I have all I need to run and play the game with the core book and the companion; used the Domains of War to work out how a battle behind the scenes went too. It all works rather well.