Small Request re: Humanoid Monster Descriptions

Humanoid monster descriptions usually have a sentence in the mode of: “Elven fastnesses will usually have females and young equal to 100% and 5% of the number of males respectively.”
The gender distribution of combatants and non-combatant adults is a characteristic of the setting, and I know the Auran Empire is the default setting of the rulebook. But it would be cool if the published version of ACKS read: “Elven fastnesses will usually have non-combatant adults and young equal to 100% and 5% of the number of combatants, respectively.” Maybe for the playable races?

The beastmen are decidely not gender egalitarians.
However, everyone knows that male elves look like chicks and dwarf chicks look like dudes, so I’ll grant you your request there. :wink:

Dwarves are sometimes encountered in large, independent lairs known as vaults. In a vault, there will always be a dwarven vaultguard of 9th level in command, and an elite guard of 2d6 fighters of 2nd to 5th level. Strongholds have a 60% chance to have tamed animals as guards and companions – either 5d4 wolves or 2d4 brown bears. Dwarven vaults will usually have adult noncombatants and young equal to 50% and 25% of the number of able-bodied adults respectively.

Elves are sometimes encountered in large wilderness lairs known as fastnesses. In a fastness, there will always be an elven spellsword of 9th level in command, with an additional 2d6 spellswords of 2nd to 7th level. An elven fastness will usually (70%) have 2d6 giant hawks (or eagles) guarding it. Elven fastnesses will usually have adult noncombatants and young equal to 100% and 5% of the number of able-bodied adults respectively.